“Rugs are like Art for your floor,” runs the decorating cliché. Really?
Turn this outdated design observation on its head: Make real Art your design departure point and build out your interior décor around an original painting or mural instead.
Don’t settle for mass-produced prints from a big box retailer, consider working with an Art Consultant to identify an emerging or mid-career artist you love.
Become an Art patron while creating a unique home interior or outdoor entertaining space distinguished by the Art it showcases.
Interiors Informed by Art
Home Gym
This wildlife mural “Homage to the Wissahickon” was commissioned from Philadelphia artist Evan Lovett for a client’s home gym.
Contemporary Meets the Historic
Artist Abigail Lakey’s portrait transforms a traditional dining room in a historic 19th century house
Artist’s studio at PAFA +
The framing genius of Ben Osborn,
Eastbound Framing
Dining Room
I can work with you directly or with your architect, contractor or landscaper to re-imagine your interior and exterior spaces.
“A highly sophisticated promoter of talent and style, Claire Batten’s unique artistic lensing combined with an entrepreneurial mindset connect artists and art collectors in new and exciting ways.“
—Heike Rass, Director of Marketing & Communications, PA-based Art Museum